The view360global platform was used to run remote immersive training with multiple teams
More about the platformThe Challenge
We were asked to design immersive anti corruption (AC) training for multinational participants in their own language at the RAI Annual Summer School for AC Practitioners in 2019 and at two multi country workshops held in Albania and North Macedonia in late 2019.
Training multi country participants in interactive exercises had always been limited by language challenges, for example time taken to translate all inputs and consequently blended learning has always been hard to deliver.
Our solution
With RAI we designed training for the Summer School and participating nation states in terms of relevance, language and authenticity of the content as it related to regional corruption typologies. The participants were able to experience experiential training that had never previously been delivered in the region using the view360global platform.
“The participants especially emphasised and highly evaluated the interactive exercise on the innovative and immersive platform, view360global, which enabled them to work simultaneously on a concrete case in their own language translated to the facilitators in English.”
Aneta Arnaudovska AC Expert, RAIThe results
By using view360global to deliver exercises lasting between 1 and 2 days, we were able to train representatives from 11 countries who were all able to participate in their native language, something that had never previously been possible, and something which has now opened up new opportunities for international organisations when designing projects and training delivery programs.
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