Quality Policy
ISO 9001 Quality Management System Policy
Cognitas Global Ltd will ensure customer satisfaction by providing products and services that conform to all applicable requirements.
To help us achieve our Quality Policy we are committed to maintaining an ISO9001 compliant Quality Management System that supports the strategic direction of our organisation.
We regularly monitor and review the performance of our Quality Management System to ensure that they are understood, acted upon and met. We will set Quality Objectives that help us to continually improve.
We will provide training, support, resources and encouragement to all employees to ensure that they realise their full potential in meeting the Quality Policy and its objectives.
We will continue to identify and refine key operational processes and links between these processes to function effectively.
This Policy was endorsed by the CEO of Cognitas Global Ltd on 19 May 2022 and will be communicated throughout the organisation and to all interested parties. It will be reviewed periodically to ensure the future success of Cognitas Global Ltd.
Lawrence Day
Cognitas Global Ltd
May 2022