Scenario Design and Content Creation

Welcome to your world 

The aim of our scenarios is to simulate a real-life situation that speaks to your people. It must be relevant and memorable: crucial factors when it comes to delivering a training experience that gets results.

As participants ‘learn by doing’, working collaboratively to achieve specific goals, there’s more emotional engagement and investment in the outcome. It creates a situation where knowledge comes naturally.



The power of expert design

We plan our learning scenarios with your teams in mind, working closely with our clients to meet specific learning objectives. And although we say it ourselves, it takes talent.

Our expertise lies in creating scenarios that are compelling, realistic and coherent. Each is designed to capture the essence of a real-life situation because the closer it is to reality, the more valuable the insights gained from it.

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Content that’s captivating

Once we’ve agreed a scenario, we create the content, turning a concept into mixed-media reality.

We build the chosen narrative piece by piece, adding news stories, videos, social posts, and a host of other media. And of course we add a few twists and turns along the way – after all, your learners won’t be tested if they know what’s going to happen next.

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Nicola, Rob and Michael ably led us through an excellent photo and video editing workshop, providing clear and concise instructions as well as comprehensive answers to any of our questions.  The workshop was delivered professionally, with a real synergy between the trainers, which, in turn, allowed us to get a grip on both the social media and video editing sessions at pace.

Mbongeni Mhlanga
Crisis Exercising Lead, Department for Transport

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