Specialised Training

Experiential learning with real-world simulations

We create specialised training programs deeply rooted in experiential learning, using realistic simulations to address learner needs and industry trends.

The view360global platform blends cutting-edge technology with real-world scenarios, creating an immersive experience that enhances learning and skill development. Participants engage in dynamic, interactive training that fosters deeper understanding and practical expertise, empowering both individuals and organisations to achieve their goals.

Our innovative view360global platform

This interactive exercising platform reimagines the traditional training model. It creates a stimulating safe learning environment where mistakes have no consequences, thereby building people’s confidence and giving them the knowledge and skills they need to do their best work.

view360global in use

Who can benefit from simulated exercises?

We understand that each organisation is unique. Our team collaborates closely with you to develop exercises tailored to your specific needs, challenges, and objectives utilising our extensive experience across many sectors that include:

Aviation and Maritime
| Transport and Rail | Financial and Regulatory | Civil Society | Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) | Retail | Criminal Justice | EducationHealth 

What is a simulation exercise?

A simulation based exercise involves people or teams responding to a simulated crisis or occurrence that is as close to real life as possible. It lets participants practice and enhance their abilities in a controlled setting. This form of training and exercising may be utilised in disaster preparation, crisis management and investigation,

Organisations can proactively strengthen their resilience, mitigating the impact of incidents by simulating real-world scenarios and engaging participants in the process.

People immersed on v360g

Benefits of Simulation Exercises

Simulated exercises help organisations identify weaknesses, refine response plans, enhance collaboration, improve preparedness, raise awareness, meet compliance, gain external insights, and foster continuous improvement, all within the safety net of simulation.


Identify vulnerabilities

Uncover weaknesses in your crisis management framework

Muscle memory illustration

Build muscle memory

Develop the instinctual responses of your team

Test plans illustration

Test plans and procedures

Validate your response policies and plans

Build confidence illustration

Boost confidence

Increase the overall confidence of your organisation in its ability to handle incidents

Regulatory compliance illustration

 Regulatory compliance

Meet regulatory requirements and demonstrate due diligence

Improve coordination illustration

Improve coordination

Enhance communication and collaboration between different teams and stakeholders

If you would like to find out how we can help your organisation get in touch.

Working in partnership with you

Together we define the training outcomes you’re looking for and weave them into learning experiences that engage your people and allow them to enjoy the journey.

Every training we deliver is underpinned by our key learning and development principles and a collaborative approach that ensures your operational needs are met.

Set the objectives

Define the needs and desired outcomes

Develop the solution

Design a tailored program for the organisation

Deliver and engage

Combine innovation and blended learning

Measure the success

 Evaluate the learning to evidence the ROI

A proven track record

Success is measured by problems solved and with our diverse client list, there’s no ‘one solution fits all’. Find out more about how we work…

See our Case Studies